Silver Pack - 1 FuCoyDon UFG® 1 Eternity® SYNERGISTIC

Preferred Pricing $118.00


SKU: P180915

The Silver Pack combines the regenerative power of FuCoyDon UFG® with the antioxidant-rich Eternity® elixir, offering support for enhanced immunity, healthy circulation, and protection against oxidative damage. Experience the synergistic benefits of these two potent formulas for overall wellness.

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Fucoydon UFG®

FuCoyDon UFG®’s benefits come from the complex Fucoidan found in the brown seaweed Limu Moui. This power-packed super nutrient has been used for centuries in Tonga, Japan, and other areas of the South Sea because of its regenerative properties. Fucoidan’s many health-promoting ingredients have been thoroughly studied by the scientific community. Limu Moui alone has over 1,700 studies featuring proven research on its many benefits, ranging from enhanced immunity to support for the maintenance of healthy glucose, hormonal, and circulatory functions.


Eternity® is the perfect name for a super-concentrated elixir that floods the body with high powered antioxidants including Resveratrol, an ingredient that addresses the daily struggle we all face with oxidative damage from detrimental free radicals. Resveratrol is found largely in the skins of red grapes and is classified as a phytoalexin, an antibiotic like substance that is produced by the plant to protect itself from fungus, ultraviolet light, stress, or trauma. By consuming Resveratrol, we can derive similar benefits. Resveratrol may increase the activity of a specific sirtuin gene, SIRT1, that protects the body by revving up the mitochondria, a kind of cellular battery that slowly runs down as we age. By recharging the batteries with Resveratrol, SIRT1 can have profound effects on health.

Click to Download Fucoydon UFG® Brochure

Click to Download Eternity® Brochure

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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