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いつもシズル製品を通じて、健康と繁栄を多くの皆様と共有できることに感謝いたします。 今年のテーマ「インスパイア」に基づいた日々をお過ごしいただけて光栄です。
シズル会員の皆様には引き続きシズルビジネスを日本市場で健全に展開していただくために、 2024年1月1日(月)16時より、シズル会員様のコミッション支払いレートを現行の1BV=125円から 1BV=132円に変更させていただくことになりました。
今回の変更は、継続的な円安の状況を考慮し、市場の変動に対応するものです。 引き続き、シズル製品およびシズルビジネスを健やかに発展させていただけるよう、ご理解のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。
My love for my fellow man has provided me with the passion to help as many people as I can to take control of their own lives enabling them to maintain good health and to lead long, healthy active lives. Now with the release of the A.G.E.Pill and the hydrogen stick - H2STIK - to give us the opportunity to lengthen our healthy lives.
I am blessed to have come in contact with Tom Mower Sr in 1996 who has provided me with the knowledge and understanding of what I need to do to keep my own health. As at January 2019 I have not had reason to visit my general practitioner since 27 January 2009 – I guess I must be doing something right! By the way I am 77 this year!
I would love to share with you the information I have learned in the past 23 years which has allowed me to attain the level of health that I have.
Take time to check out my website and please feel free to contact me for further information.
Marilyn Vine
Marilyn Vine