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いつもシズル製品を通じて、健康と繁栄を多くの皆様と共有できることに感謝いたします。 今年のテーマ「インスパイア」に基づいた日々をお過ごしいただけて光栄です。
シズル会員の皆様には引き続きシズルビジネスを日本市場で健全に展開していただくために、 2024年1月1日(月)16時より、シズル会員様のコミッション支払いレートを現行の1BV=125円から 1BV=132円に変更させていただくことになりました。
今回の変更は、継続的な円安の状況を考慮し、市場の変動に対応するものです。 引き続き、シズル製品およびシズルビジネスを健やかに発展させていただけるよう、ご理解のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。
Thank-you for reading my profile. I fell in love with Tom Mower’s products when he owned his previous company.
I believe Tom’s original product inventions helped my daughter’s health and mine too. After the company was sold unfortunately for me the products changed and I was no longer getting the results as I did before.
I then came across Tom’s company Sisel International. Sisel produces state-of-the-art, non toxic, unique including anti aging skin care and health products.
To be healthy and look younger than my age WOW! I was so excited! Sisel is wonderful because of the amazing health benefits and noticeable changes from the products. My skin is amazing , my health fabulous ,energy off the charts and i have just turned 65!!!
If you love the products simply share the products with others and you can improve your financial situation. What a great business opportunity to make an income from home with products you love that actually work!! You can help yourself and others to reverse the aging process, support health and look younger!