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いつもシズル製品を通じて、健康と繁栄を多くの皆様と共有できることに感謝いたします。 今年のテーマ「インスパイア」に基づいた日々をお過ごしいただけて光栄です。
シズル会員の皆様には引き続きシズルビジネスを日本市場で健全に展開していただくために、 2024年1月1日(月)16時より、シズル会員様のコミッション支払いレートを現行の1BV=125円から 1BV=132円に変更させていただくことになりました。
今回の変更は、継続的な円安の状況を考慮し、市場の変動に対応するものです。 引き続き、シズル製品およびシズルビジネスを健やかに発展させていただけるよう、ご理解のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。
I started my journey from Preventive Maintenance Engineer for 28 years to health prevention. For the last five years, I dedicated and involved with natural products, organic and healthy products as preventive measures for a healthy lifestyle. Then, I joined Sisel International introduced by a business partner from USA.
I am very excited about age reversal, starting with Fucoydon with the A.G.E. pill together. First day was amazing resulting to better and deeper sleep, increased energy and an ailment that I have for 5 years begins to recover after one week. And significantly on top of that, it was amazing having a noticeable hair growth where in I experienced baldness problem for the last 13 years.
I look forward towards my journey with age reversal and expect more exceptional and noticeable results.
As much as I can, my goal is to help people attain a longer, healthy and a happy life by educating, informing, and sharing my experience with AGE Pill and Sisel products.